What am I playing? February 21st, 2018

Hi guys! I’ve been working on a couple of reviews lately from games I’ve been so kindly sent, but I also make some time to play games I personally feel passionately about! So without further ado, what AM I playing this week?

Never stop sneakin’

Probably my most played game against my own feeling of self-control in recent times! Never Stop Sneakin’ puts you in the shoes of Agent Hummingbird from the department of sneakin’. The games plays in an arcade fashion where you are tasked with undertaking sneaking missions to earn ESP and find key objectives to the story. The levels are randomly generated, so no layout will ever feel stale. Perhaps my favorite thing is that you only need the controller stick to play. Yes, that is literally the only thing you need to move to play. It’s all about moving through the levels and sneaking past the enemies or behind them for auto-kills, the game even has weapons like bullets or EMP grenades that automatically trigger when an enemy or mechanical device spots you, creating this split second elimination that looks even cooler than if you appropriately sneaked through the level! A game like this is fantastic if you take on missions in bite sized chunks, but I can’t seem to put it down and always think: “One more mission and I’ll go to sleep”, except that I never do the sleeping part and just keep on playing.


Monster Hunter World

Surprising absolutely no one who knows me, MHW has easily taken huge chunks of my free time. The latest iteration of the franchise, MHW takes everything that is good from the games and puts it in open maps which amplifies the feeling of the hunt. Adding a myriad of other QoL changes to the game, this version definitely made it next to impossible for me to play any other Monster Hunter game. I feel kind of disappointed in the lack of weapon variety (read: the aspect of the weapons in the same weapon tree), but other than that I have fallen to the all familiar loop of grinding my late game gear and preparing the most optimal weapon and armor sets for everything the game has to offer. I also am currently HR 41, which makes me feel like a god when I play with my friends (unless they mention the HR 250+ who already got the platinum trophy).


To this day I still wonder why I didn’t play this game when it originally launched for the Xbox 360, despite my brother actually playing all the way through it. Bayonetta is at this point a classic action title, and no single moment in the game feels dull! Combine the fast paced combat, witch time, the intense action cinematics in the game and you get a game that easily attempts to take a spot among the all time greatest in your collections! It’s menus and overall gameplay also strike a chord with me in how much they remind me of the Devil May Cry series. Despite being an 8 year old game, Bayonetta manages to make me feel like when I play a classic game I love in the virtual console, except that this one is brand new to me, and even then manages to feel like a game I’ve known my entire life.

Author: Alex

Editor and owner of AzorMX Gaming. I would say that writing is my passion, but it would be a lie because my actual passion is gaming, but writing about gaming is a close second.

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